Embracing Autumn with Copper Hair!

Autumn is the season for warm colours, cosy vibes and a change in fashion trends especially when it comes to hair. Copper hair is a favourite this Autumn as these warm, fiery shades compliment the season to give your hair a beautiful, natural-looking glow. If you are looking to make a bold and distinctive statement then copper hair is perfect for you!

Choosing the right shade

If you want to really transform your hair, then you need to make sure you are choosing the right shade. Consider your skin tone, eye colour and personal style when you are choosing copper hair. Warmer, reddish coppers suit those with warm undertones whereas cooler and golden coppers suit those with cooler undertones.

Hair Care Tips for Copper Hair

Limit shampooing and wash with cool water

Washing your hair too frequently can strip the natural oils that help maintain your hair’s colour and shine. We recommend washing hair 2-3 times a week or less if your hair and lifestyle allows it.

Cool water can help to preserve the copper hue as hot water can open the hair cuticle and cause colour to fade quickly.


Use a sulphate-free shampoo and conditioner

Sulphates can strip the colour from your hair, so opt for sulphate-free products designed for coloured hair.

We recommend using the Kérastase Reflection Bain Chromatique Sulfate-Free Shampoo as it is designed to protect your coloured hair prolonging those copper tones. It also provides UV protection to shield your hair from the sun’s harmful rays, which can cause colour fading and damage.


Heat Styling

Heat styling tools can damage your hair and cause your gorgeous copper to fade. We recommend the Resistance Ciment Thermique Heat Protector as it repairs and protects hair with its heat activated properties.


Use colour-enhancing products

We recommend using the Chroma Absolu Bain Riche Chroma Respect Shampoo as it is designed to provide intense hydration and protect the colour vibrancy of the warm copper hues in your hair.


Follow the hair trends this autumn and treat yourself to a beautiful, fiery hair colour transformation!

Don’t forget to consult with a hairstylist or colourist for personalised guidance on maintaining your unique shade of copper.

If you have never had colour with us before, or if it has been more than 6 months since your last colour with us, an allergy alert test will be required at least 48 hours before your appointment.


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